5 Mar 2014


 Releases Date : 14 October,2011.

  Synopsis : Aazaan (Hindiअज़ानUrdu: ‎أذان) is a 2011 action spy film directed by Prashant Chadha starring Sachiin J Joshi and South African model Candice BoucherAazaan marks the debut of entrepreneur-turned-actor Sachiin J Joshi of Energy Drinks and Candice Boucher who was seen in the title role. It is one of the most expensive B-grade films in Bollywood.Aazaan was made under INR40 crore(US$6.4 million) it is one of most expensive B-Grade films generated that year.

 IMDB Rating :     http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2033947/

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